Press Release
For the second month in a row, the OOH market continued its journey to COVID recovery. During the summer, billboards around the North Coast utilized 73%, with Cairo peaking at 59%, according to AdMazad's data insights. AdMazad noted a 31% increase in billboard utilization across Cairo in August, marking the second consecutive month of recovery for the OOH industry.

Automotive & Real Estate Advertisements Drive Recovery
Moreover, the utilization rate around Cairo jumped to almost 60% in August after reaching an all-time low at the beginning of the lockdown. Billboards by candidates for the Senate elections helped in inching that number upwards, as well as the automotive sector taking up 102 billboards in Cairo during the last month of the summer, compared to only 13 billboards in June. “Real estate, media, home appliances, and the automotive sectors were the only ones who either met or beat their figures from the previous year,” AdMazad Founder Assem Memon said. “They rose by 101%, 266%, 171% and 175%, respectively.”

Additionally, the OOH market continues its COVID recovery, with Egypt-based AdMazad analyzed 3,000 large billboards in Greater Cairo and the North Coast from March to August 2020. They looked at utilization, visibility, dwell-time, and maintenance to help advertisers.
Advertisers focusing on holiday-makers
Furthermore, In the North Coast, billboard utilization was 73% in summer 2020, up 8% from the previous year. The real estate sector used 10% more billboards, with 28 developers and 78% of adspace. FMCGs, financial services, healthcare, and automotive sectors decreased.
“A large segment of audiences went to the sea after COVID-19 fears eased in 2020,” said Memon. Advertisers noticed, but this year’s season was shorter, with most installations by late July.
Recovery Expected to Continue
Lastly, the OOH market continues its COVID recovery, with recovery of the OOH sector is expected to continue in September with the back-to-school season and in October with the expected parliamentary elections and expo-season restarting. “We expect the utilization rate across Egypt to continue improving as the economy opens up,” Memon explained. “However, pre-COVID-19 numbers will likely only be reached by the first quarter of 2021.”
About AdMazad
AdMazad is a data-driven, end-to-end solution for out-of-home (OOH) advertising. We use algorithms to quantify this unquantifiable channel, analyzing real-life data to aid better ad placements. Our process is hassle-free and transparent, letting advertisers plan, book, audit, monitor, and evaluate their OOH activities smoothly. We've curated over 3000 outdoor-advertising spaces on our AdSpace search engine and interactive map. Contact us for more details or media requests.
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